
File management


Explain fopen()
·    Fopen() function is use to open a file.
·    When we open a file we must know what we want to do with the file.
·      Example: we must write a data to the field or read the already existing data.
FILE *fpt;
Fpt = fopen(“sile_name”,”mode”);
·      The variable fpt is a pointer to the data type FILE.
·      This pointer contains all of the information about the file is use as a communication link between the system and program.
·      The mode can be r,w or a.
·      Both the file name and mode are specifying as a string.
FILE *P1,*P2;
·     The first data is open for reading and the result is open for write.

Explain fclose().
·       A file must be close as soon as all operation on it has been completed.
·   Above statement close the file associated with the file_pointer.
FILE *p1,*p2;
this program open two file and close then after all operation on that are completed.
Once a file is close its file pointer can be reuse for another file.

Explain mode of file.
There are three mode of file.
1.   r: it is use for open the file for reading only.
2.   w: it is use for open the file for writing only.
3.   a: it is use open the file for opening or ending data to it.

Explain input output operation on file
a.   getc()
b.   putc()
c.    putw() & getw()
d.   fprintf()
e.    fscanf()

·      getc() is use to read a character from a file.
·      That has been open for read mode.
·      Ex: C=getc(fp2)
·      It read a character from a file whose file pointer is (fp2).
·      The file pointer move by one character position for every position.
·       The getc() will return an end of file marker EOF when end of the file     has been reached. 
·        Therefore the reading should be terminated when EOF is in counted. 

·      putc() is use to write a character to a file.
·      That has been open for write mode.
·       putc(c,fp1)
  ·   Now the character contained in the character variable c to the file    which is associated with FILE pointer FP1.
  ·      The file pointer move by one character position for every operation           of putc(). 

Getw() & putw():
·      putw() & getw() is integer oriented function.
·     getw() is similar to the getc() function and is use to read integer value.
·     This function is useful when we deal with only integer data.
·     putw() is similar to the putc() function and are use to write integer value.
Syntex :
        putw(integer, fp) 
Syntex :
        (number = getw(f1)!=EOF)
·                          Read a value assign the same to number and then test for the end of file mark.

Fpriintf()  & fscanf():
·      Fprintf() & fscanf() that can handle a group of mixed data simultaneously.
·       The function fprintf() & fscanf() perform I/O operation. 
        Fprintf(f1,’count string”,list);
 Example : 
        fprintf(f1,”%s %d %f”,name,age,8.5);
·        The fp is a file pointer associated with a file that has been opened for writing.
·   The control strings contain output specification for the items  in the list.
·      fscanf() is use the reading of the item in the list from the file specify by fp according to the specification contain in the control string.
fscanf(f2,”%s %d”,item,&quantity);
·   When the end of file is reach it returns the value EOF.
·   Data is read using the function fscanf() from the file.

   Error handling during I/O operation Or
   Which error may be occurring in a file ?
It is possible that an error may occur during input output operation on a file.

1.   Trying to read the file beyond the end of mark.
2.   Device overflow.
3.   Trying to use a file that hasn`t been opened.
4.   Trying to perform operation on a file when the file is opened for another type of operation.
5.   Open a file but with an invalid file name.
6.   Attempting to write protected file.

·      If we fail to check such read and write error a program may be have abnormally when an error occur.
·      The feof() function can be use test for end of file condition.
·      The error function report the status of the file indicated.

Example of feof():
If (feof (fp))
                 printf(“end of data”);
Example of ferror();
                 printf(“an error has occurred”);

Explain Ftell():
·     ftell () is used to find the position of the file pointer in the file with respect to the beginning of the file.
·      This function display the current position of a file.
·      n=ftell(fp);
·      n would give the current position of pointer. 

Explain Rewind():
·        Rewind() takes a file pointer and resets it to the starting position of the file.

·    Would assign 0 to N because the file position has been set to the starting position of the file by rewind().
·    The first byte of the file is labeled as 0, second as 1, and so on.
·    This function helps to read a file more than once, without having to close and open the file.

Explain Fseek():
·      Fseek() function is used to move the file position to a described location within the file.
Syntax: fseek(file_ptr,offset,position);
·      File_ptr is a pointer to the file concerned, offset is a number or variable of type long, and position is an inte
·      ger number.
·      The offset specify the number of position (bytes) to be move from the location specify by position.
·      The position can take one of the value from the following three values.

·      The offset may be positive, meaning move forward , or negative, meaning move backward.
·      When the operation is successful fseek returns zero.
·      If we attempt to move the file pointer beyond the file boundaries, as an error occurs and fseek returns -1.

Explain Append():
·      Append is use to add on item to the file.
·      An execution the program request for file name to which data is to be appeared.
·      Appending the items the position of the last character in the file in assign to n and then the file is close.