
Static data

Static data

         Explain static data member? Write the characteristic of it.

Ø A class data member can be qualified as static.
Ø Static variables are normally used to maintain values common to the entire class.
Ø For example:  a static data member can be used as a counter that records the occurrences of all the objects.
Ø Type and scope of every static member variable must be defined outside the class definition, because it is stored separately rather than as a part of an object.
Ø Since they are associated with the class not an object, they are known as class variables.
Ø Example:

 class abc
  static int count;
  int abc :: count;

Ø The static variable is initialized to zero when the objects are created.
Ø Only one (common) copy of static data member is created and it is shared by all objects of the class.
Ø Static variables are like non-inline member functions as they are declared in a class declaration and defined in the source file.

Characteristic of static data member are as follow:

 Ø It is initialized to zero when the first object of its class is crated. No other initialization is permitted.
Ø Only one copy of that member is created for the entire class and is shared by all the objects of that   class, no matter how many objects are crated.
Ø It is visible only within the class, but its life is in the entire program.

8)             Explain the static member functions. Write the characteristics of it.

static return-type function-name(argument list)
 //Function body

Ø A static member function is call directly by the class name, there is no need of an object to call the static member function.
Ø To call a static member function scope resolution operator (::) is used, like
            class-name :: static-function-name();

 Characteristic of static member functions
o  A static function can have access to only other static members (functions or variables) declared in the same class.
o  A static member function can be called using the class name (instead of its objects) as follows:
                  Class-name :: function-name;

When do we need to use the static data member in the class?

Ø When we want to maintain a value, common to the entire class, a static data member is used.
Ø It is initialized to 0(zero) when a first object of the class is created and shared among all the objects of that class.
Ø No other initialization is permitted with static data members.
Ø It is used in such a situation when we want to find how many hits are there on the class or function.