
Processor Management


Processor Management


Q.1 Define the terms: Program, Process.

Program: program is an inactive unit, such as file stored on a disk. To an operating system, a program or job is a unit of work that has been submitted by the user.

Process: process is an active entity that requires a set of resource, including a processor and special registers, to perform its functions. A process also called task.


Q.2 Explain the role of a job scheduler and process scheduler.

-       Job scheduler also called as High level scheduler.

-       Job is initiated by the job scheduler.

-       It is only concerned with selecting jobs from a queue of incoming jobs and placing them in the process queue  based on each job’s characteristics

Process scheduler:

-       It determines which job will get the cpu, when and for how long time. It also determines the job terminations.

-       It also decides when processing should be interrupted.

-       Process scheduler is also known as Low level scheduler.


Q.3 what is middle level scheduler?

In a highly interactive environment there is also a third layer of the processor manager called the middle level scheduler.  When system is overloaded middle-level scheduler activated; to remove active jobs from memory to reduce the degrees of multiprogramming and thus allows job to be completed faster.


Q.4  What are the five states process can be in (Process Status)? Show how process changes states? 

A process which have various States, the State of the Process is also called as the Status of the process, The Status includes whether the Process has Executed or Whether the process is Waiting for Some input and output from the user and whether the Process is Waiting for the CPU to Run the Program after the Completion of the Process.

  The various States of the Process are as Followings:-

1) New State : When a user request for a Service from the System , then the System will first initialize the process or the System will call it an initial Process . So Every new Operation which is Requested to the System is known as the New Born Process.

2) Running State : When the Process is Running under the CPU, or When the Program is Executed by the CPU , then this is called as the Running process and when a process is Running then this will also provides us Some Outputs on the Screen.

3) Waiting : When a Process is Waiting for Some Input and Output Operations then this is called as the Waiting State. And in this process is not under the Execution instead the Process is Stored out of Memory and when the user will provide the input then this will Again be on ready State.

4) Ready State : When the Process is Ready to Execute but he is waiting for the CPU to Execute then this is called as the Ready State. After the Completion of the Input and outputs the Process will be on Ready State means the Process will wait for the Processor to Execute.

5) Terminated State : After the Completion of the Process , the Process will be Automatically terminated by the CPU . So this is also called as the Terminated State of the Process. After Executing the Whole Process the Processor will Also deallocate the Memory which is allocated to the Process. So this is called as the Terminated Process.


Q.6 Which are the various states of transitions and what is the role of the job scheduler and process scheduler during these transitions?

  • Hold to ready – the transition from hold to ready is initiated by the job scheduler according to some predefined policy. At this point availability of enough main memory and any requested devices are checked.
  • READY to RUNNING - It is handled by the Process Scheduler using some predefined algorithm, such as FCFS, SJN, priority scheduling, SRT or round robin, to determine which process will get the CPU, when, and for how long.
  • RUNNING back to READY – It is handled by the Process Scheduler according to some predefined time limit or other criterion, for example, priority interrupts or quantum expired.
  • RUNNING to WAITING – It is handled by the Process Scheduler and is initiated by an instruction in the process such as a command to READ, WRITE or other I/O requests, or a page fetch is required.
  • WAITING to READY – It is handled by the Process Scheduler and is initiated by signal from I/O device manager that I/O request has been satisfied and job can continue.
  • Running to finished- the transition from running to finished is initiated by the process scheduler or the job scheduler either when (1) the job is successfully completed and it ends execution or (2) the operating system indicates that an error has occurred and the job is being terminated prematurely.


Q.7 What is a Process Control Block (PCB)? What information about a job needs to be in a PCB? Or explain process control block in detail. 

Process Control block is used for storing the collection of information about the Processes and this is also called as the Data Structure which Stores the information about the process. The information of the Process is used by the CPU at the Run time. The various information which is Stored into the PCB are as followings


1- process identification : each job is uniquely identified by user’s identification,

when the job 1st enters the sys., placed on HOLD.

2- process status : indicates current status of job, HOLD,READY,RUNNING,WAITING.

3- process state :

Process status word- when job is not running but is Either on HOLD or WAITING or READY .

Register contents- if the job has been interrupted , waiting to resume the processing.

Main memory-including the address where the job is stored (including mapping)

Resources- info. About all resources allocated to that job.

process priority: select which job will be run next.

4- Accounting : - performance measurement. Indicates what kind of resources used & how long, for a job.

-       cpu time used , from start to end.

-       Total time spent for job.

-       How long the job stayed in memory.

-       Secondary story usage, sys. Prog. Usage (compilers,editors)

-       Usage of channels, CU ,devices.

-       No. of i/o records, read/written.


Q.8 Discuss the various criteria for a good process scheduling policy.

Criteria to good scheduling policy :--

Maximize throughput: run as many jobs as possible in given amt. of time. This could be accomplished easily by running only short jobs or by running jobs without interruptions.

Minimize response time: This could be done by running only interactive jobs and letting batch jobs wait until the interactive load cases.

Minimize turnaround time: move entire jobs in and out of the system quickly. This could be done by running all batch job first.

Minimize waiting time: reducing the number of users allowed on the system so the CPU would be available immediately.

Maximize CPU efficiency: running only CPU bound jobs.

Ensure fairness for all jobs: give everyone an equal amount of CPU and I/O time.


Q.9 Define the terms: Turnaround time, Response time, aging, natural wait, nonpreemptive scheduling policy, preemptive scheduling policy.

Turnaround time: a measure of a system’s efficiency that tract the time required to execute a job and return output to the user.

Response time: a measure of the efficiency of an interactive system that tracks the speed with which the system will respond to a users command.

Aging: a policy used to ensure that jobs that have been in the system for a long time in the lower level queues will eventually completed their execution.

Natural wait: a common term used to identify an I/O request from a program in a multiprogramming environment that would cause a process to wait naturally before execution.

Context switching: the act of saving a jobs processing information in its PCB so the job can be swapped out of memory and of loading the processing information from the PCB of another job into the appropriate registers so the CPU can process it. Context switching occurs in all preemptive policies.

Nonpreemptive scheduling policy: A job scheduling strategy that function without external interrupts so that once a job captures the processor and begins execution, it remains in the running state uninterrupted until issues an I/O request or its finished.

Preemptive scheduling policy: any process scheduling strategy that based on predetermined policies, interrupts the processing of a job and transfers the CPU to another job. It is widely used in time sharing environments.


Q.10 Explain the concept of aging. When and why is it required?                                                             

Some systems increase the priority of jobs that have been in the system for an unusually long time to expedite their exit. This is known as aging. These criteria are used to determine default priorities in many systems. The default priorities can be overruled by specific priorities named by users.


Q.11 explain the terms CPU cycle time and waiting time. Also explain the relation between them.

CPU Cycle time: CPU cycle time contains both the actual CPU usage and the I\O request.

Waiting time: the difference between turn around time and  burst time.

Waiting time=turn around time-burst time

Burst time: time required by a process for CPU execution.