Sorting and Searching
Sorting and Searching
Define the following terms.
a) Data:
data means raw facts. It is a single value or group of values.
of single value: employee-number
of group of value: Name which is divided into three sub data value first-name,
middle-name, last-name.
b) Information:
Process on data gives some result that result is known as information.
c) Data
structure: A data structure is an arrangement of data, either in the computer’s
memory or on the disk storage. Examples include arrays, linked list, queues,
stacks, binary trees.
d) Primitive
data type: fundamental data types, which are available on most of the computer as inbuilt data types. Example
int, float, char
e) Non-primitive
data type: user define data types, where user can select the number of memory
spaces needed to store particular data. Example array, stack, queue, tree,
f) Linear
data structure: data are stored sequentially using memory location to remember
data store sequentially not memory location. Example array, stack, queue and
link list.
g) Non-linear
data structure: in non linear data structure data is not stored sequentially.
tree, graph.
What are different types of problem that can solve with the knowledge of data
Ø Data
structure are widely applied in areas such as compiler design, operating
system, statistical analysis package, DBMS, numerical analysis, simulation,
artificial intelligence and graphics.
Ø The
major data structures used in the network data model are graphs. In the same
way hierarchical data model uses trees and RDBMS uses arrays.
3) What is an array? How an array is represented
in memory?
Array is a fixed-size sequence collection of elements of the same data type. There
are three types of arrays.
1) one-dimensional
2) two-dimensional
3) multidimensional
int number[5];
Computer reserve
five storage location as shown below.
int number[2][2];
4) Explain row major and column major
representation of two dimensional arrays?
may be represented in Row-major form or Column-major form. In Row-major
form, all the elements of the first row are printed, then the elements of the
second row and so on upto the last row. In Column-major form, all the
elements of the first column are printed, then the elements of the second
column and so on upto the last column. The ‘C’ program to input an array
of order m x n and print the array contents in row major and column major.
The difference
between row-major and column-major order is simply that the order of the
dimensions is reversed
Would be
stored as follows in the two orders:
5) Explain the different operations of an
There are a
number of operations that can be performed on arrays. These operations include
1) Traverse
2) Insertion
3) Deletion
4) Searching
5) Merging
6) Sorting
1) Traverse: traversing the
array elements means accessing each and every element of the array for a
specific purpose.
2) Insertion: inserting an
element in the array means adding a new data element in an already existing
array. Here we can insert the elements by three different ways
a. Insert
at end
b. Insert
at first
c. Insert
in the middle
3) Deletion: deleting an
element from an array means removing a data element from an already exiting
array. Here we can delete the elements by three different ways
a. Delete
at end
b. Delete
at first
c. Delete
in the middle
4) Searching: searching means
to find whether a particular value is present in the array or not. If the value
is present in the array then searching process gives the location of the value
in the array.
5) Merging: merging two
arrays in a third array means first copying the contents of the first arrays
into the third array and then copying the contents of the second array into the
third array.
6) Sorting: sorting means
arranging the elements of an array so that they are placed in some relevant
order which may either be ascending or descending.
6) What is sparse matrix? Explain the
precedence involved in representing sparse matrix.
Sparse matrix is
a matrix that has many elements with a value zero. In order to efficiently
utilize the memory, specialized algorithms and data structures that take
advantage of the sparse structure should be used.
Basically there
are two types of sparse matrix 1) Triangular matrix 2) Tri-diagonal matrix
There are two
type of triangular matrix.
1) Lower
triangular matrix: all elements above the main diagonal have a value zero.
0 0 0
3 0 0 0
7 -1 0 0
1 4
2 0
2 -8 1 7
2) Upper
triangular matrix: all elements below the main diagonal have a value zero.
1 2
3 4 5
0 3
6 7 8
0 0
-1 9 1
0 0
0 9 3
0 0
0 0 7
Tri-diagonal matrix: Element
with a non zero value can appear only on the diagonal or immediately above or
below the diagonal. This type of matrix is also called a tri-diagonal matrix.
4 1
0 0 0
5 1
2 0 0
0 9 3
1 0 0
0 0
4 2 2
0 0
0 5 1
0 0
0 0 8
7) What are the advantages and
disadvantages of an array?
1. It is used to represent multiple data items of same type by using only
single name.
2. It can be used to implement other data structures like linked lists, stacks,
queues, trees, graphs etc.
3. 2D arrays are used to represent matrices.
1. We must know in advance that how many elements are to be stored in array.
2. Array is static structure. It means that array is of fixed size. The memory
which is allocated to array can not be increased or reduced.
3. Since array is of fixed size, if we allocate more memory than requirement
then the memory space will be wasted. And if we allocate less memory than
requirement, then it will create problem.
4. The elements of array are stored in consecutive memory locations. So
insertions and deletions are very difficult and time consuming.
8) What is sorting and searching? Mention different types of sorting and
Sorting: Sorting means
arranging the elements of an array so that they are placed in some relevant
order which may either be ascending or descending.
Searching: Searching means
to find whether a particular value is present in the array or not. If the value
is present in the array then searching process gives the location of the value
in the array.
There are two types sorting a) internal
sorting b) external sorting
a) Internal sorting: This
deals with sorting the data stored in the computer`s memory.
b) External sorting: This
deals with sorting the data stored in files.
In internal
sorting there are eight types of sorting.
a) Bubble
b) Insertion
c) Selection
d) Merge
e) Quick
f) Radix
g) Heap
h) Shell
There are two types of searching.
a) Linear
search or sequential search
b) Binary
9) Compare bubble and insertion sort for
time complexity.
Ø The best case input is an array that is
already sorted. In this case insertion sort has a linear running time (i.e., O(n)).
Although bubble sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms to understand
and implement, its linear running time O(n2)
.Means insertion sort are usually considerably more efficient.
Ø The simplest worst case input is an array
sorted in reverse order. This gives insertion sort a quadratic running time
(i.e., O(n2)).
Ø The average case is also quadratic, which
makes insertion sort impractical for sorting large arrays. Where bubble sort
efficiency decreases dramatically on lists of more than a small number of
10) Explain following terms a) best case b) worst case. C) average case
a) Best
case: The cases occur when sorting techniques have minimum number of comparison
b) Worst
case: The cases occur when sorting techniques have maximum number of comparison
c) Worst
case: The cases occur when sorting techniques have average number of comparison
all the sorting technique which is the best technique discuss with example.
Quick sort is
widely used sorting algorithm that makes o(n log n) comparison in the average
case to sort an array of n elements. However in the worst case it has a
quadratic running time given s o(n2). Basically the quick sot is
faster than other algorithms, because its efficient implementation can minimize
the probability of requiring quadratic time. It is also known as partition
exchange sort. Quick sort can be used to sort arrays of small size, medium size
or large size.
Example: as per
the lect. Notes
is better searching technique?
There are two
popular methods for searching the array elements linear search and binary
search. Now which algorithm should be used depends entirely on how the values
are organized in the array. If the elements of the array are arranged in
ascending order, then binary search should be used as it is more efficient for
sorted list.
merge sort with example.
Ø Merge
sort is a sorting algorithm that uses the divide, conquer, and combine
algorithmic theory.
Ø Divide
means partitioning the n-element array to be sorted into two sub-arrays of n/2
elements in each sub-array.
Ø Conquer
means sorting the two sub-arrays recursively using merge sort.
Ø Combine
means merging the two sorted sub-arrays of size n/2 each to produce the sorted
array of n elements.
Ø Complexity
of merge sort.
running time of merge sort in the average case and the worst case can be given
as o(n logn). It needs an additional
space of o(n) for the temporary array TEMP.
is prerequisite of binary search?
The prerequisite
of binary search is data from which we want to search must be in sorted order.
the terms linked list and node
terms: A
Linked list in simple terms is a linear collection of data elements.
Node: A
Linked list in simple terms is a linear collection of data elements. These data
elements called nodes.
we need dynamic memory allocation?
Dynamic memory
allocation means allocating memory space to a variable while running the
program. If we want to allocating memory during run time this is possible by
using standard library functions malloc() and calloc().
malloc() and strrev().
is a function used to allocate memory it
returns address of the memory as successful otherwise returns NULL if memory
allocation is unsuccessful.
strrev() is a library function that reverse all the characters in the string
except the null character.
18) Name
any four operations of doubly link list.
1) Traversing
2) Insertion
3) Deletion
4) Searching
5) Sorting
6) merging
Doubly linked
list |
linked list |
Doubly linked list has three
nodes. 1.
Previous address 2.
Data 3.
Next address |
Circular linked list has two
nodes. address |
Traverse from node to previous
node and from node to next node is possible |
Traverse from node to next node
is only possible |
Circular is not possible it
means we cannot traverse from first to last node or vice versa. |
Circular is possible it means
we can traverse from first to last node or vice versa. |
garbage collection.
The memory locations
which have been deleted but not freed are called garbage.
In our program
if we delete the node with using function free() deleted memory will now go to the free
storage list.
We need to
collect this garbage location for further use this can be done by the computer
operating system which periodically collects all the deleted space onto the
free storage list. A technique which does this collection is called garbage
collection takes place in two steps.
1. Operating
system runs through all lists marking those which are in use and again runs
through the memory collecting all the unwanted lists to insert into the free
storage list.
2. When
there is shortage memory in the free storage list or whenever the computer is
idle and has time to do the collection.
21) Compare
link list with array.
Array |
Link list |
It is a collection of similar
data types. |
It is a collection of different
data types. |
It is a static memory
allocation. |
It is dynamic memory allocation. |
It allocates the memory at
compile time. |
It allocates the memory at run
time. |
Array has three types 1) Single
dimensional 2) Double
dimensional 3) Multi
dimensional |
Link list has four types. 1) single
link list 2) circular
link list 3) doubly
link list 4) circular
doubly link list |
An array is a linear collection
of data elements. |
Linked list is a linear
collection of nodes. |
We cannot insert any number of
elements in array. |
We can insert any number of
elements in link list. |