
Flow chart example

Flow chart Example

 What is Flowchart?

Graphical representation of any program is called flowchart.

There are some symbols that are used in flowchart as following:

Example of Flow Chart

Advantages of Flowchart
·      It is a simple way of communication because any other person besides the programmer can understand the way they are represented.
·      It represents the data flow. It gives a clear overview of the entire program.
·      It checks the accuracy in logic flow.
·      It provide the steps followed in an algorithm.
·      It provides the facility for coding.
·      It provides the different views of modification of running program.
·      They shows all important elements and their relationship.

Drawback of flowchart
·      It becomes time-consuming with flowcharts to represent a complex and large problem
·      It can require redrawing an entire flowchart in case of minor change in the logic
·      It does not have any standards to represent the details of data that should be shown in the flowchart. Therefore two flowcharts for a same problem may vary in details.